I recall back in 1995, the first time I saw the internet. I was stunned and smitten, all at the same time. I remember thinking, THIS is how products will be sold.
I was a bit early, but I just KNEW that what has evolved into today’s E-Commerce, was going to be a BIG Thing, and it is.
Today, if you are serious about selling anything, the web is at least PART of that plan, if not THEE plan altogether. How else can you start a business specializing in one product or many, do it without any initial inventory expense, precious little advertising expense, and minimal monthly overhead? We call that, the roadmap to profit.
Dropshipping, today, is no longer the wave of the future, it’s right now, and right here. Looking for the ultimate side gig? Serious about building a future? Then let’s talk about our “Business in a Box” program.
We set you up with inventory, a web site, e-commerce solution, even credit card processing. We do it all, end to end, and that’s why we call it a Business in a box.