Scott Web Contract for Services Secure (SSL) Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Business NameName *FirstLastCustomer Address *Phone Number *Email *Type of Service *New SiteComplete RebuildRebrandingUpgradeDescription of Web Design to be Produced *Time Frame for Project Completion *Site Hosting *Include HostingCustomer HostsDomain Name *Domain Registrar, Username & PasswordBase Price of Project *Other OptionsMay we ADD a "Powered by Scott Web" with Hyperlink at the bottom of your page?YesNoScott Web Rep Name *FirstLastScott Web Rep Phone *Scott Web Rep Email *Projected Total of Project *Payment Terms *100% Up FrontPayment PlanPayment Method *Credit / Debit CardCheck (Make Check Payable to Jack Scott Media LLC)Pay PalCashCheckboxesVisaMastercardDiscoverAmerican ExpressCredit Card NumberExpiration DateCVC CodeBilling Address (If different than Business Address)Amount Paid Today *Customer E-Signature *Scott Web Rep E-Signature *Date of Contract *NameSubmit YOUR choice of Themes, 100’s to choose from:10 to 12 Page Website DesignHover EffectsBanner DesignsSliding BannerYour Logo or we Design it for youUse YOUR Photos, we provide “alt-tags” includedContact/Query FormAbout US PageMulti LingualIncludes a BlogUnlimited EmailsUnlimited BandwidthNO Monthly Hosting Fee’s100% Responsive HTML 5Google & Bing Web Tools IntegrationSubmission to ALL major Search Engines includedDatabase Integration includedSearch Bar for easy SearchSocial Media Integration99.999% Uptime on Linux Servers w/ BackupDesigned for EVERY Platform, Desktop, Phone, TabletMultiple Redundant Gigabit Internet PipesCompletely Redundant Power / FailoverMonthly Backup of ENTIRE website and databaseCustom REAL TIME traffic Reports and AnalyticsCustomized Monthly Web ReportsCopyright ProtectionYOU OWN:EVERYTHING, ALL Source Files, scripts, photos, etc.100% Ownership Rights100% Satisfaction GuaranteeNO HIDDEN FEE